Free Childcare at EACR 2025 thanks to Turismo de Lisboa
We are delighted to provide free childcare for participants at EACR 2025, thanks to a generous grant from Turismo de Lisboa which we are using to cover the cost of the childcare service.
Places are limited and must be pre-booked, so please express your interest when registering for the Congress.
More details about the childcare provider will be available here soon.
Register your interest when you register for the Congress
When you register for the Congress through the online registration portal you will be prompted to register your interest in the onsite childcare service. This is an indication of interest only and is not a booking for the childcare service.
We will open the childcare booking tool at a date in 2025 to be confirmed. When booking opens we will send a link to the childcare booking pages only to those who have indicated their interest through the registration process and have paid for their Congress registration.
Please note:
- You must be registered and paid for the Congress and have registered your interest in order to book a childcare place.
- There are limited places available and childcare places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis when booking opens.